Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face. Victor Hugo

Many thanks to Miza for posing with me! ♥♥♥

Hair with Hat: M.BIRDIE / Marcia look-Hair RARE The Arcade 
Top: M.BIRDIE / Marcia look-top3 The Arcade 
Jeans: M.BIRDIE / Marcia look-pants3 The Arcade 
Rubber Anklets: The Little Bat - Rubber Anklets  Lost & Found 
Pose: FOXCITY. for WOH3 - Sleeping Fairies Bento Pose @ Women Only Hunt

Set: O.M.E.N - Dog Park Day @ Dust Bunny & OMEN Gacha Reveal!
Flowerbed: Half-Deer Star Creeper Moss

Women Only Hunt starting today. Pick up your official hunt hud at the Flair for Events Office and make your way through our participating designers. The hud will teleport you and hints can be found on the hints tab


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