Is it all just in my head?

Head: LAQ ~ Mesh head Trinity 1.5
Skin Applier: Izzie's - LAQ OMEGA Appliers (Aria pale)
Eyes: [UMEBOSHI] Temptress Eyes Collection
Hair: enVOGUE - HAIR Ashley NEW
Dress: .:villena:. -  Split Maxi Dress - Black @ Kustom9
Pose: Elephante Poses - I'm no good
Location: Vintage Romance

Well, we have some nice goodies in this post. enVOGUE with a new lush style of hair villena with this really lovely simple cut dress and LAQ

LAQ released the new version for their Mesh head, Trinity, and it is great. 
General looks wise: Alpha to the scalp has been added, which will help fitting hair styles. From one type of eyelashes, now there are three to choose from (I'm using the third one) and you can choose the length and colour. I can go all 90's with blue eyelashes! And for the tiny details, LAQ added teeth options. Four options to be exact from perfect never seen a dentist version all the way to Vampire teeth. In this picture I'm using the second one which is a bit like my RL teeth.

Expressions: When the mesh heads took over the expressions moved from pouty upset to pouty sad. Now with all the expressions out there, we photographers, can have the best fun. LAQ had four expressions on the 1.0 version: Eyes open/close, Open Mouth, Closed smile and Open smile. The new fresh thing thing LAQ brought was that every expression (apart from the eyes) have three levels. From a tiny Mona Lisa smile to a full on closed smile, from a polite lovely smile to a laughing smile all teeth. So we actually had 9 expressions and open/closed eyes.

Now LAQ have 12 expressions and open/close eyes. So we have 38 expression in total and you can have the eyes open/closed mixed there. 

The mixing of different appliers on the same head and make up options that will allow mix and math of freckles and makeup will make is even better. For now I'm loving my Izzie's applier. Other skin artists already made some other great appliers too. I can't wait to see what will be next.


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