It's a Kind of Magic

Gazebo: Chez Moi Fairytale Wooden Gazebo @ Indie Teeppee Open July 8th
Woodpeckers: TLC Woodpecker in 2 versions
Stars: {anc} star flakes / texture field [magic blue] (texture mod to full bright and glow at 0.2)
Grass: {anc} Garden by anc slight wildgrass {flsah green} on FLF
Flowers: The Little Branch Orange Poppies{Field}
Bended Trees: The Little Branch Bradford.Bended{4Seasons}
Trees: The Little Branch Bradford.Cluster{4Seasons}
Trees: The Little FlamesMapleCluster{AllSeasons}
Mist: {anc} mist cloud&nebra beads [sungold]
Twinkling Lights Strings in the Gazebo: [ keke ] twinkling lights log - snow wood
Owl Tree next to the Entrance: JIAN :: Wise Owl's Tree
