This used to be...

Carriage: Apt B // Homestead Primitives Carriage Shinny Shabby
Covered Canvas and Chair: Soy. Covered with vinyl SET Shinny Shabby
Pots, Glass Jars, and Metal Hanger with Ivy:  Soy. Herisson with green on FLF
Cage Lamps, Crate Shelves, Dirty Canvas: Goose Items Lost & Found
Empty Frames: Apt B // November Gacha Frames
Clowns and Monkey: NOMAD's Prizes on The Interview Starting by MadPea Productions
Toy Deer: Kalopsia Deer Pul Along Toy
Shelf: MadPea Ungrounded Dreams
 Ruined Chair: Apt B // Homestead Primitives Chair Shinny Shabby
Table:  [Toiz] 3. art table Shinny Shabby
Pitcher: Apt B // November Gacha Pitcher 
Radio: Frayed Part of Knot Urban
Drawings on the Floor and Paint Pots: Knick Knacks Paint Your Life Set
Piano, Rocking Horse, Bunnies, Dollhouse and Duck Toys: Kalopsia Vintage Toys Set
Flower in Clay Bottles: Kalopsia Bicolore Vases
House: Scarlet Creative Greenlily Cottage Prefab Collabor88
Trees: The Little Branch Bradford.Cluster{4Seasons}
Trees: The Little Branch FlamesMapleCluster{AllSeasons}
Trees: The Little Branch ShingleOak{Seasons}
Grass: The Little Branch White Cherry Blossoms LTD Event 

Every once in a while I repeat this story in my blog. Every once in a while I feel the need to, so bare with me.

I started out as a photographer on Christmas 2013. I wasn't aiming to reach fame or acknowledgement. I wanted a hobby and a way to channel my creativity. This hobby turned into my passion and my way to set my imagination free. It was only in August 2014 after losing a friend to cancer that I turned my photography into a blog and it was so I won't lose my mind in grief and pain. To occupy my mind.

I am not and never have aimed to make myself known, I was never looking to favs, likes, comments etc. When I get a compliment for my work, I'm sky high happy today as I was when I just started taking pictures. When a designer is happy with a picture I made with an item they made, I can't even start to tell you the thrill it gives me. 

This blog is about two things:
* Keep setting my imagination and my friends imagination (I adore collaborations!) free and create images, stories and ideas
* Give a proper stage and introduction to the items placed in my trust to do so by the designers. 

A good blogger in my taste is first of all one with imagination and creativity that gives the proper credits to the designers featuring in the pictures. If that blogger is busy chasing fame and "look at me I'm here look look look", not only I get bored very fast, I also think they will be bored pretty fast themselves or with another shiny object and will move along to the next activity.


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