
#slfirstanddecentchallenge I saw Strawberry Singh First & Recent Challenge  
 when she first posted it, but couldn't take it just yet as I was having some rl work and school to attend to. Today I saw that Mia my amazing wonderful friend posted her then and now pictures, I decided to take a break from the taking a break looking through sl fb and digged into my folders. And here it is. My only noob form picture was taken a year ago, that's one awesome coincidence in my opinion.

So what so we have here...

March 2013, I believe I'm wearing a freebie everything and I am in a lovely Blues Club called Fog's Bound. This place is still there, still looking good and still plays wonderful music to us Blues lovers out there. The funniest conversation I ever had was there. I still laugh at the memory hoping to bump into that guy again just for another crazy chat.

August 2013, I am wearing Truth Hair, Ducknipple outfit and a Noya shape and skin. and I'm ay Muddy's Music Cafe, the place that became my home. This club brought most of the people I love in sl to my life. Wonderful music mixed with some great people. I am now not only a VIP, I'm a hostess there every Thursday at 2pm. Hosting for one of my best friends in sl and in rl, Caliente Lemon.
This Noya Avi was given to me by the first person I've ever adored and cared for in sl. He was arrogant, snob, annoying and I wasn't impressed. We had the best times together and I still miss him a lot. He's responsible for me actually still being here. He introduced me to mesh, challenged me to stop being so shy on the local chat and eventually introduced me into hosting.

February 2014, it's been a month since my amazing friend Ta gave me my first photography lesson. I'm wearing Catwa hair, LAQ skin and shape that I later modify to the shape I'm wearing to this day and a Sassy dress after Tal made me a happy gal and gave me a gift card. This picture was taken in a studio that my friend Tiffny bought for us both to take pictures at. It was bit of a lonely time. I was just taking my first steps in photography, found myself in a very unwanted drama and felt mostly lonely and sad in sl, but the passion for photography started. I couldn't let it go.

September 2014, my LAQ shape is now very different from what it looked like when I got it. I'm a blogger now. Here is the outfit Styling card and full post. I'm blogging for a month now, after a horrible summer in which I lost a friend to cancer and lived through a war in Israel and actual fear for my life. This is me rebuilding my mind to set on a goal and not ever stop. I'm posting for my very first event, making ads for a shop, creating my own style and falling in love with photography all over again and looking no where but forward.

March 2015, I'm here now. Full Styling Card and post. This blog that I made to save myself from losing my mind brought me so much. With the love and pushing forward of my friends I'm a photographer for LTD about to start my job very soon. I'm blogging more and more and enjoying every second of it. Through all that I don't forget that first and foremost I'm a photographer looking to present the art of sl.

Since March 2013 I cried and laughed in sl. As much as I miss some of the people that are now gone from my life in sl, I am sky high happy with the people I have in my life. Tal, Mia, Cal and Tiff are a few of the people that make my life little bit better every day and I wouldn't change it ever. 

I am Bambi Foxdale, I'm a photographer, a blogger, a hostess and above all I'm a friend and I'm happy to be that.


  1. Great to see how you've grown and changed throughout the years. Thank you so much for sharing!


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