Go to your happy place

Foxes: ISPACHI [CHERISHED MOMENTS]  Arctic Foxes The Arcade
Owls: ISPACHI [CHERISHED MOMENTS]  Snowy Owls The Arcade
Puppy on Gift Box: A i s l i n g Zoe - Box The Arcade
Cat: Fashionably Dead - Cat - 09 Ready to Pounce
Cat: Fashionably Dead - Cat -  02 Sleeping Curled
Cat: Fashionably Dead - Cat - 04 Stretched On Back

Desk Area:
Desk: Apple Fall Secretary Desk (Black) The Arcade
Chair next to the Desk: Tresh Blah French School Chair - Wood
Typewrite: Floorplan typewriter gacha / turquoise
Note with Ink: Pixel Mode Writer's Room - Confidential Note The Arcade
Books on the Desk: Pixel Mode Writer's Room - Book Stack The Arcade
Oil Lamp : Pixel Mode Writer's Room - Oil Lamp Weathered Pewter 2 The Arcade
Books with Tree Holders Deco: Vespertine books The Arcade
Coco Mug: Dust Bunny cookies & cocoa 2 The Arcade
Wraps and Gift on the Desk: Second Spaces - Wrap It Up - wrap in progress The Arcade
Self above the Table: Second Spaces - tool shelf The Arcade
Heater Under the Desk: Dust Bunny vintage space heater . coal The Arcade
Christmas Tree: Apple Fall  Tabletop Tree 1 The Arcade
Twinkle Tree Wall Piece: tarte. twinkle tree @ Famesed
Shelf Above the StairsApple Fall Frame Shelf

Living Area
Candle TrayCheeky Pea Lucille Candle Tray Famesed
Cofee TableCheeky Pea  Lucille Pallet Coffee Table Famesed
Books with Mug on the Table: Erratic cwe - stack of books 1 The Arcade
Apple Pie: 8F8 Granny's Winter Cottage - Apple Pie The Arcade
Tea Caps Set: 8F8 La Petite Joie Cafe - Tea Cups Set
Books on the table: Aria Books Deco
Couch: Junk hester's attic couch. antique Collabore 88
Tall Lamp above the couch: Junk Arch lamp tall Collabore 88
Pilloews on the Couch:  8F8 Granny's Winter Cottage - Cushions Set The Arcade
Rug: Apple Fall Ruffled Rug
Book Pile: Apple Fall Reading Pile
Painting: Apple Fall New Arrival Painting
 Pillow on the floor 1: Apple Fall Pillow (Script)
Pillow on the floor 2: Apple Fall Pillow (Tree)
Pollow Chat: Erratic cwe - cushion / chat The Arcade

Sewing Cornet at the top of the Stairs
Lit Brenches in bucket: Trompe Loeil - Bucket + Lit Branches The Arcade
Picrutes Cats: *ionic* MEOW
String Lights with Pics: Tresh Blah String Lights with Pics
Mannequin: Apple Fall Dress Form
Table at the tops of the Stairs: tarte. old wood table
Fabric Piece: Pixel Mode The Sewing Corner Fabric Piece
Sewing Machine: Pixel Mode The Sewing Corner Sewing Machine RARE
Pin Cushion: Pixel Mode The Sewing Corner - Pin Cushion
Chair at the top of the Stairs: Pixel Mode - The Sewing Corner  - Windsor Chair Black
Rug: Lark Yoga Rug

Bed: Trompe Loeil Zophia Bed Brown Messy Collabore 88
Rug: tarte. striped rug

House: Scarlet Creative Lavender Brown House Prefab Collabore 88 (only few days left)


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