Step right up!

Skin: Tir na n'Og Tina skin
Eyes: IKON  Hope Eyes - Glass
Hair: LaViere Tiffany Ginger
Lipstick: Izzie's - Dark Lipstick (Patty)
Earrings: Tran-Skewed Witches Cat Earrings Purple
Chocker: Impose Babe Chocker
Outfit & Shoes: StormCrow Design's Zelda @ Fresh Style 
Tent with Poses: Lark Cushion Tent - Circus 4B Cirque de Seraphim (Main Store N/A atm)
Stars: HIDEKI - Stars @ The Chapter 4
Tarot Table: HIDEKI - Tarot Table @ The Chapter 4
Cannon: HIDEKI - Cannon @ The Chapter 4
Reading Racoon: *ionic* - The story of Raccoons & Bears - 1 @ The Chapter 4
Smoking Pipe Racoon: *ionic* *ionic* - The story of Raccoons & Bears - 3 @ The Chapter 4
