A day in life

Skin: Tir na n'Og Tina skin
Eyes: IKON Hope Eyes Demin Group Gift - September 2014
Hair: D!va Hair "Kalli" (Black Amber)
Freckles: Tir na n'Og Part of the Brooke skin pack

Well, it's been a year. This was a repeating line from a show I used to watch with my first friend in SL and it's almost a year since we last spoke. Sad? Well yeah for the friendship that has gone. Regret? Not one bit. 
Since the events that started on Halloween 2013 I grew so much. Been through so much in my rl and my sl that looking back, I have no regrets and I know that I'm happy with every decision I made. 

Some of those decisions are coming to mind now:
  1. Asking Tal to teach me photography in sl.
  2. Focus on that hobby instead of being tempted to work somewhere I wouldn't be happy in.
  3. Knowing who to trust and gain a brilliant friend I love and cherish and got to meet face to face.
  4. Allowing the open mind I have to be shown and gain a family I never thought I'll have.
  5. Knowing to keep my dignity and walk away when I need to.
  6. Surviving a war. I might be tired as all the people around me here in rl are. I might be sad, I might be scared but I live here and I'm very proud of how my chin is still up.
  7. Grabbing myself in both hands after collapsing when I lost a friend to cancer. Lifting myself from the black grief I was in and focus on the light that my friend spread around her and trying to live up to her legacy of kindness and laughter.
  8. Keep myself focused and not allowing myself to be surrounded by things/people/situation that would have keep me down.
  9. Knowing to click that x, go to rl work, get ready to rl university while keeping in touch and showing the love and care I have for my sl friends.
  10. Allowing my heart to still be open to accept more and I like that more pretty much (smartypant).
*I wrote those 10 decision in order of it happening and not by impotance. 

A year since my sl really started and I have to say.. Been one hell of a ride. Will I stay another year? I don't know. I know the people.. They are on my heart to stay.

Oh and.. finishing with another line from that funny show... I was never confuse...


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