You've got the sun, you've got the moon, and you've got the Rolling Stones. Keith Richards

Skin: Skin - LAQ Alva Peach 01 
Eyes: IKON Promise Eyes -  Fjord 
Hair: Wasabi Pills Fay Mesh Hair
Make Up: Pink Acid Gift Box @ Black Fashion Fair gift
Mask: Momo Half Mask Red @ Yard Sale
Dress: Lumiere Lara Dress Black
Location: Winter Moon

Winter Moon as you can see it gloomy and dark but yet it is very romantic in my opinion with nice places to hide away together for a nice cuddle. It has beautiful different walking path, each looks different from the other and with this special wl everything is a bit more mysterious and special. The area at the back is where I found those cute elephants from the previous post with a lovely beach area. Enjoy your time there, I always do. *smiles*


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