Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. Confucius

Skin: Pink Fule Renee <Peach> - Pure 
Eyes: IKON Promise Eyes -  Fjord 
Hair: TRUT HHAIR Tawny -  reds
Crown: Sugarsmack Water Crown
Pose: Atooly Poofy Dress Pose Pack Pose 2
Location: Sarawak

Sarawak is a cute romantic place. Nice forest and farm place with lots of nice spots for a romantic sit, a nice walk of just daydream walk in a garden. This sweet looking troll was hidden in the windmill. I was in my jeans shorts and a nice shirt to show you, but the moment I saw him, I changed immediately to this outfit. Usually a sim get in my collection and when I have an idea for a a picture I use it. This time the idea for the picture came along with the sim. I love that. Enjoy *smiles*


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