Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. George Eliot

Skin: Pink Fule Renee <Peach> - Pure 
Eyes: IKON Promise Eyes -  Fjord 
Hair: D!va  Hair Diva2 Fat Pack Group Gift
Outfit: Tamiron Forge Autumn leaves 
Pose: Atooly Female Pose 88
Location: Alirium

Alirium describes itself as "Trees, grass and plants" nothing more. Well... Yeah but.. Alirium if so beautiful I never have enough of it. Basically it's a shop for trees, grass and plants. The owners of this shop show their creation in the best possible way: a forest. With cute little paths with little houses, sofas and cute little surprises for a nice picture of a walk, beautiful magical sunset WL that I don't remember seeing in any other sim. It's adorable and sweet looking. I wish to bring here some nice guy to snuggle on one of the sofas for a nice sweet calm cast with some hot coco. Enjoy *smiles*


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