Will she tie a yellow ribbon?

Skin: TheSkinShops Dash
Eyes: IKON Romise Eyes - Hazel
Hair: Truth Hair Tom
Pants: Redgrave CargoPants UltraBaggy LQMesh - Army
Pose: Del May Bed snacks male
Torn Letter: Dutchie torn letter
Bed, Locker and Table: N4RS Bunk 07 - medic Shiny Shabby 
Hanging Rugs: Apt B // Old & Rusted - Hanging Rags
Moon Banner: HAIKEI look through the window gacha {5}
Posters: The Dreamer Creations 7 posters Aloha Vintage
Blanket: The Dreamer Creations Blanket for Chesterfield armchair
Lamp: NO CONCEPT industrial pendant lamp
Bulb: keke bulb stand - copper
House: Soy. Rustic Shack
<ZSK & A-T> P-51D Mustang VICE
<ZSK> P-40E Kittyhawk


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