Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do... but how much love we put in that action. Mother Teresa
Lamps: floorplan. captain's hanging lantern / silver
Cut-Out Fish Deco: PILOT - Fish Cut-Out [Blue/White]
Magazine Stand: HAIKEI look through the window gacha {2}
Sofa: floorplan. [Con.&floorplan.] Hanging Love Seat - A
Postcards Shelfs: floorplan. postcard collection / french
Plant: Bazar Traveler Bed Room Items Traveler-Plant2
Table: *ionic* mesa con rueditas
Fruit Bowl: Sari-Sari - Bohemian Summer - Fruit Bowl
Slinky: NOMAD // 06 // "Mr. Spring" Toy
Spotlight: Trompe Loeil - Spotlight Lamp
Cat Pictures: YS&YS Essential 02 Cats
House: dust bunny . daisy houseboat RARE
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