Those who'll play with cats must expect to be scratched. Miguel de Cervantes
Skin: VCO Vivi's makeup Recipe No.11 @ The Arcade
Hair: Tableau Vivant Tia - Vivids+Pastels @ The Arcade
Outfit: Cheeky Amour Rabbie NEW
Advertising Column and Pose: 8F8 Green Grocers - Advertising Column RARE @ The Arcade
Newspaper with Pigeon and Hat: Consignment Summer in the Park - Pigeon Lady @ The Arcade
Tree Guard: Botanical Street Tree Guard (Round)
Trees: Hayabusa Design Populus Serotina Peuplier Hydra Mstd5 v1-1 T1 NEW
Trees: Hayabusa Design Populus Serotina Peuplier Hydra Mstd5 v1-1 T1 NEW
In the backgound
Market Cart: 8F8 Green Grocers - Market Cart Stand @ The Arcade
Wall: Botanical Wrought Iron and Brick Fence
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