I love bubbles

Skin: Tir na n'Og Tina skin Honey tone
Eyes: AMITOMO TCF 2nd Anniversary Gift Eye @ The Chapter Four Gift
Hair: Wasabi Pills Irene Mesh Hair - Sorbet Fameshed Free Bday Gift
Ring: C'est la vie Manon Ring gift for TCF The Chapter Four Gift
Bracelet: BREATHE Ataraxy Bracelet-Pink The Chapter Four Gift
Top: KITJA - GIFT T-Shirt L The Chapter Four Gift
Pants: Fishy Strawberry Moto Jeggings - Ombre 1 and 2 The Chapter Four Gift
Shoes: NuDoLu Ballerine TCF anniversary gift The Chapter Four Gift
Poses: Infiniti Blowing Bubbles - 5 Single Poses

Pillows with Wodden Bird: Serenity Style Birdie Pillows TCH 2nd ANNIV The Chapter Four Gift
Stepladder: Apple Fall Stepladder Table
Tea Planter: tarte. tea planter (yellow)
Flowers In Vace: Dust Bunny blossoming flowers
Laundry Set: Serenity Style The Country Laundry Collection The Chapter Four Gift
Octopus: moon amore Bday Octopulpo (decor item 1prim) The Chapter Four Gift
Shelf (Flowers are not included): NYU IncrEdibles Collection Shelf (dolarbie for a gacha machine)
Plant: tarte. potted plant 
House: Dust Bunny lily cottage
